How to Cancel

NOTE: If you have already paid for your exam through this exam booking platform, please contact the Testing Centre directly to cancel your exam registration.

Option A - No RegisterBlast Account:

  1. Select My History located at the top of the page on the upper navigation bar.
  2. Enter the email address you used to initially book your exam. Select the Continue button located underneath the email field.
  3. In a few minutes, you'll receive an email link which is valid for 90 minutes from Select the link in the email received.
  4. A new window will open with your exam booking history. Select Cancel located to the right of the desired exam.
  5. Select "Yes, cancel my registration" if you are sure you want to cancel. You may select "Keep current registration" if you do not want to cancel your exam.

Option B - Using a RegisterBlast Account:

  1. Select View complete history under the My History module located at the top right of the page.
  2. A new window will open with your exam booking history. Select Cancel located to the right of the desired exam.
  3. Select "Yes, cancel my registration" if you are sure you want to cancel. You may select "Keep current registration" if you do not want to cancel your exam.