I don't see my exam!
Your exam may be booked or hosted through another department or service at SAIT. If you do not see your exam listed below, please confirm with your instructor, advisor, or program coordinator for more information.
Prospective students:
- English proficiency exams: visit English Proficiency
- Placement exams: visit Academic Upgrading
- Program-specific admission exams/assessments: contact your program coordinator
Enrolled students:
- Accessibility Services exams: visit Accessibility Services
- Continuing Education exams: visit your Brightspace course outline or contact conedadvising@sait.ca
- Missed exams: contact your instructor
- Blended course exams: contact your instructor
- Challenge/supplemental exams: contact your Academic Chair
External examinees:
- Alberta diploma exams: contact exam.admin@gov.ab.ca
- Practical exams, large group exams or specific certification exams: visit the respective SAIT school for more information